Much needed update, Mt. Pinatubo Rememberance Day

Hey everyone, terribly sorry for the past 9 months without a single update or post, making me look like a horrible blogger. Just giving a shout from Seoul letting everyone know I'm still alive, even if the trip to this point has been one hell of a wild ride. Students are great here and definitely loving my life in South Korea with a good set of friends, my girlfriend who I've been with for about 9 months now, and plenty of writing and comics done.

During this time I want to direct you to a couple of publications that I've been in recently. The first one, a small but incredible literary journal found in the East Coast of the USA, 5x5, tells of grand stories in a small package. Definitely worth checking out at Check the 2011 Fall Issue, Visitors, for a comic about my brief travels through Taipei, Taiwan.

The second piece that I had published was with my old university's literary journal, Reed Magazine ( It's a comic article about my experience as a student at that university for 3 years and how tuition rose dramatically while I was there. Yet the university had plenty of money for outrageous construction projects to lure in prospective students, not to mention extravagant perks and salaries to the people running the university. I'm actually surprised that the university published my article there after all the defaming material that I wrote about them. To see a much better quality print of the comic you should check out my website, in the comics section.

Finally the last thing I want to bring attention to is Mt. Pinatubo's eruption anniversary. It's been 21 years since one of the biggest eruptions in modern history happened in the Philippines, causing massive lahars to flood the valleys of the Pampanga region and causing many people to have to evacuate the disaster zone. The Pampanga government has just this year recognized a special holiday where all government businesses and offices are closed today to mark this anniversary. My heart goes out to the people that were affected by this natural disaster and the trouble that it causes the livelihood of people through yearly floods even today.

Currently I'm writing chapter 5 of my novel, "The American Immigrant" that goes into greater detail about the history of this region which covers Mt. Pinatubo. I figured since it's been a long time since I've updated anything here I'll go ahead and post a couple web cam pics of my comic about this story. Please keep in mind because I'm still traveling often, I don't have access to a scanner so I hope you'll forgive me. Here are some of the pencils of the story...

Anyways hope you have a great day and as always love life.