Summer is finally rolling in and with that comes the usual round of comic cons and venues to get your illustrated fix. This year is actually my first time showing in any convention, let alone two, so it's going to be an exciting time. Unfortunately I won't be able to come in person to these events because I'm in the middle of the semester teaching in South Korea, so instead you'll have to check out these publishers I'm working with and strike up some good conversation with them. Coming up this June expect these two comics to debut over in the good ol' US of A
Date Location Venue Publication Publisher
5/31-6/2 Denver, CO Denver Comic Convention Uncanny Adventures Anthology 8th Wonder Press
6/15-6/16 Chicago, IL CAKE EXPO Chicago The Cartoon Picayune #5: Hard Work Josh Kramer
Also of important note, headway is being made on my graphic novel The American Immigrant, currently about 2/3rds of the way through the artwork for the entire book! Expect the interior pages to be finished by Christmas of this year and the first book to be slanted for a 2014 release. Still looking for a publisher for this bad boy, so if you have anyone in mind please send me an email and I'll go check them out. Also aiming to head to the Philippines around the end of the year so that I can include around 30 pages of prose journalism for the back of the book. The plan is to interview several people who work in education and government in order to supplement the main story, or so I hope.
Finally, I've now updated the "Comics" tab over there on the left to include two translations of my comics into Korean. Hoping to have more translations up in the future though. 나의 한국 친구들, 여기를 보세요! http://erikthurmanblog.blogspot.kr/p/comics.html